Welcome to Student Services!
Counselor Assignment 2024-25
A-D 9th-11th: Mrs. Gardner - GardneL1@pitt.k12.nc.us
E-J 9th-11th: Mrs. Yates - Yatesc@pitt.k12.nc.us
K-Q 9th-11th: Mrs. Bartholomew - Barthoj@pitt.k12.nc.us
R-Z 9th-11th: Ms. Roughton - Roughtc@pitt.k12.nc.us
Seniors 12th: Mr. Grampa - Grampab@pitt.k12.nc.us
D.H. Conley High School, established in 1970, is one of seven high schools in Pitt County. There are approximately 1635 students attending our school. Our students follow a 4 x 4 block schedule and are supported by teachers and staff committed to the success of each student. We value our cooperative relationship with the community and its members. Our school community enjoys the support of local citizens concerned and interested in our success as a school and the success of our students.
D.H. Conley High School offers a program of comprehensive course work, which must be successfully completed to acquire a high school diploma. Students are registered for classes designed to meet their abilities, individual needs and interests, and career goals. Our school community, along with Pitt Community College, offers dual enrollment for students interested in beginning college coursework while still in high school.
D.H. Conley High School adheres to the North Carolina Future Ready Core course of study. The course levels include Standard, Honors, and Advanced Placement (AP). D.H. Conley is pleased to offer the following courses for AP credit on our campus:
Art History Art | Studio Chemistry | Physics A
Physics B | Biology Environmental | Precalculus
Calculus AB | Statistics | Government/Politics | World History
US History | Psychology | English Language | English Literature | AP Seminar | Computer Science A
Additional AP courses are provided online through NCVPS and PCVS at the student’s request.
College / University Attendance
D.H. Conley class of 2025: 45% of the students plan to attend a four-year college, 47% plan to attend a two-year college, 1% and have joined the Military.
Score Statistics ACT
D.H. Conley High School ACT No. 341640.
2023-2024 DHC Average Scores: English 17.3; Reading 19.7; Math 20.1; Science 19.2; Composite 19.2
State of NC Average Scores: English 16.6; Reading 18.9; Math 18.1; Science 18.5; Composite 18.2
Grading scale for students entering the 9th grade in the 2024-2025 school year and thereafter.
Letter Grade Scale Standard Honors AP
A 90-100 4.0 4.5 5.0
B 80-89 3.0 3.5 4.0
C 70-79 2.0 2.5 3.0
D 60-69 1.0 1.5 2.0
F <59
FF- Due to absences
Fall Sports: Varsity and JV football, Cross Country, Varsity and JV volleyball, Women’s Tennis, Varsity and JV Men’s Soccer, Varsity and JV cheerleading, Women’s Golf
Winter Sports: Varsity and JV Men’s Basketball, Varsity and JV Women’s Basketball, Wrestling, Varsity and JV Cheerleading, and Swimming
Spring Sports: Varsity, JV baseball and 9th grade Baseball, Varsity and JV Softball, Track, Men’s Tennis, Men’s Golf, JV and Varsity Women’s Soccer
Extracurricular Opportunities
Art Honor Society GLAM Girls Science National Honor Society
Battle of the Books HOSA Science Olympiad
Beta Club International Cultures Club Spanish Honor Society
Bible Club JROTC Student Government
Black Student Union Link Crew International Thespian Honor Society
Book Club Men's Lacrosse Tri-M (Music) Honor Society
D & D Gaming Mock Trial Club Upper Echelon
DECA Mu Alpha Theta Viking Pals
E-Sports Club National Technial Honor Society Women's Flag Football
FBLA NEHS Women's Lacrosse
FCA Project Please Stay
FFA Quiz Bowl
French Honor Society Rho Kappa
Girls in Christ Riley's Army
Student Teacher Ratio
Graduation Rate
Students Enrolled