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Clubs & Groups

BETA CLUB -   Freshmen are admitted to the DHC Beta Club upon enrollment to DHC if they were a member of a middle school Beta Club. Grades are checked at the end of the first semester, any Freshman or Sophomore with a 3.6 QPA is invited to join the National Senior Beta Club. They must maintain a 3.6 QPA.


BIBLE CLUB - Provides students the opportunity to participate in praise and worship and the study of the Bible and God’s word once a week before school begins and during scheduled club times. Open membership.


BOOK WARS - is a competitive team of up to 12 members.  Students will read a common list of approximately 15 books and then participate in a countywide competition against other PCS high schools.  


CLOSE UP - Students interested in governmental operations may choose to join this club.


CONLEY CRAZIES - Student pep club that attends sporting events together, plans pep rallies and spirit week.


DAUGHTERS OF WORTH - GLAM Girls (Girls Living a Mission) educates, equips, and empowers girls of all ages to become strong women of influence in their communities. Sessions are provided each week. Sessions include knowing your worth, vision casting, goal setting, leadership development, social media safety, service learning opportunities, character formation, healthy relationships, mindfulness, resiliency tools, health and wellness, and so much more!  There are also incentives, prizes, awards, and scholarship opportunities through her engagement, participation, attendance, academics, and character development.   DHC Advisor: Zulena Staton


DECA - This is a career-technical student organization for students enrolled in any marketing class.


ENVIROTHON - The NC Envirothon is an exciting natural resource education program designed to challenge students in an interactive, outdoor competition where teams are tested in areas of Wildlife, Forestry, Aquatic Ecology, Soils and Land Use and Current Environmental Issues.


FCCLA (Family & Consumer Science) - This is a national organization of students taking family and consumer science classes.


FELLOWSHIP OF CHRISTIAN ATHLETES - Non-denominational club open to all athletes, coaches, and friends of athletes. Can participate if involved in school or community sports. Non-athletes are encouraged to attend.


FFA (AGRICULTURE EDUCATION CLUB) - is an intracurricular student organization for those interested in agriculture and leadership. It is one of the three components of agricultural education. FFA makes a positive difference in the lives of students by developing their potential for premier leadership, personal growth and career success through agricultural education.


FRENCH NATIONAL HONOR SOCIETY -   Students in French National Honor Society must have an “A” average in French Levels 1 and 2, they must be taking at least one honors class, to be inducted. To be eligible to wear a cord at graduation, the members must they must participate in club activities and maintain a 90 average in the honors class.


FUTURE BUSINESS LEADERS OF AMERICA (FBLA) is a state and nationally affiliated organization made up of students who are enrolled in the business program. Any student taking a business subject may be a member of this organization.


HOSA - To be eligible for membership a student must be enrolled in a Health Sciences class.


INTERNATIONAL THESPIAN SOCIETY (THEATER ARTS HONOR SOCIETY) - Only students who 1. have completed all eligibility requirements and 2. have had their names, contact information, and one-time induction fees submitted to the EdTA/ITS home office by the troupe director are members of the Thespian troupe and the International Thespian Society.


JROTC- is a community service program and its purpose is to motivate young people to be better citizens; this is done by providing every cadet numerous teams and activities in which they learn self confidence, public speaking skills, leadership, and gain valuable planning and organizational skills.  


LINK CREW - This is a grant funded program designed to help 9th graders transition successfully from middle school to high school.  Leaders are comprised of role model Juniors and Seniors at DHC who have applied and been selected by Link Crew advisors.  Once leaders are selected, they are divided amongst the freshman homerooms to assist through the following school year.


MU ALPHA THETA (MATH HONOR SOCIETY) - For induction into the math honor society, Mu Alpha Theta, a student must have completed three required math courses in high school. They are not eligible until they have completed Math III. A student must have an “A” in any standard math class and an “A” or “B” in any honors math class to be eligible for induction. To wear an honor cord at graduation, a student must acquire service points during the time they are a member. Service requirements equal out to approximately 15 hours of service per year.


NATIONAL ART HONOR SOCIETY -   Membership is by invitation only. Membership is based on art scholarship, service, and character. A student must have had Art I, have at least a B average, and have a faculty recommendation…(cannot be a freshman)


NATIONAL ENGLISH HONOR SOCIETY -  For induction into the National English Honor Society, a student must have completed two required English courses in high school. They are not eligible until they have completed English II. A student must have an “A” in any standard English class and an “A” or “B” in any honors English class to be eligible for induction. To wear an honor cord at graduation, a student must acquire service points during the time they are a member. Service requirements equal out to approximately 15 hours of service per year.


NATIONAL HONOR SOCIETY -  For induction into the National Honor Society, a student must have a weighted GPA of 3.6 at the end of their sophomore year. Students are also eligible for induction their senior year if they meet the GPA requirement. To wear an honor cord at graduation, a student must pay membership dues and acquire service points during the time they are a member. Service requirements equal out to 150 points or approximately 15 hours over the course of junior and senior years.


NATIONAL HONOR SOCIETY OF DANCE ARTS--- DANCE HONOR SOCIETY –Students who participate in Dance class at least one semester a year and maintain a B average.


NATIONAL TECHNICAL HONOR SOCIETY - Students must have completed 2 CTE courses in a program area, be an active member in a CTSO, have an 88 or higher average in all CTE courses taken, have a rounded 3.5 unweighted GPA or higher and receive a CTE teacher recommendation for induction.


OUTDOOR STEWARDS - A student-led organization focused on wildlife conservation and environmental sustainability. Our mission is to connect students through this shared passion and work with organizations such as Ducks Unlimited, CCA, and Bassmasters to provide more opportunities for students to get involved and make a positive impact in the outdoors.


PEOPLES OF THE AMERICAS  (POA)- Peoples of the Americans club is opened to ALL students. The club focuses on celebrating and promoting the unique and different cultures or backgrounds of all human beings in our school environment. The club also explores cultures by inviting parents and club members to attend dinner after school at local restaurants in order to sample cultures by tasting new types of food.  


QUIZ BOWL - Competition team for academic team for academic achievers in all areas: math, science, history, literature, sports and current


RHO KAPPA SOCIAL STUDIES HONOR SOCIETY-  For induction into the social studies honor society, Rho Kappa, a student must have a cumulative unweighted GPA of 3.0. A student must have an “A” in standard World History and Civics/Economics or an “A” or “B” in honors World History and Civics/Economics to be eligible for induction. To wear an honor cord at graduation, a student must complete a National History Day project as a junior and participate in Rho Kappa's school wide voting drive as a senior. 


SADD - Students Against Destructive Decisions is open to students concerned about peer-to-peer education, prevention, and activism dedicated to preventing destructive decisions.


SASI: STUDENT ATHLETES FOR SPORTS INTEGRITY - This group is sponsored by the North Carolina High School Athletic Association. Students must have completed a sports season at DHC and be nominated by the coach for being an outstanding role model on and off the playing field.


SCIENCE NATIONAL HONOR SOCIETY -  For induction into the Science National Honor Society, sophomore, junior, and senior students must have be enrolled in an honors or AP level science course and hold an unweighted of 3.0 GPA in all science courses and an overall 3.0 GPA. Junior members must have completed three science courses or be currently enrolled in the third science course. Sophomores must meet the three course requirement. Senior members must have completed four science courses or be currently enrolled in the fourth science course. To wear a cord at graduation, a student must meet society requirements for attendance, volunteer work, and participate in a science competition.


SCIENCE OLYMPIAD - A national affiliate team competition.  Students compete in events across various science disciplines.


SKILLS USA - is a national organization of students who are enrolled in training programs in technical, skilled, and service occupations, including health occupations, carpentry, firefighting technology and auto mechanics.


SOCIEDAD HONORARIA HISPANICA -   For induction into the National Spanish Honor Society, students must have a cumulative “A” average for each of two consecutive semesters of Spanish; which must be completed at the high school level. Students must be enrolled in an upper level Spanish class (Honors 3 or higher). Students must also be a sophomore, junior, or senior to be eligible for induction. After induction, students must maintain high academic standing and earn sufficient points within the society to remain a member.


STUDENT COUNCIL ASSOCIATION - The Student Council Association is a district and state affiliated organization of students interested in student government. SCA sponsors the school and class officers’ elections. SCA also sponsors the Sadie Hawkins dance.  It promotes various other activities for school unity and for worthwhile causes. Any student interested in student leadership may petition and run for SCA class representative. There are four class officers in each class, four student body officers, and class representatives.

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